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Murrieta Prosthodontist is a Murrieta Dentist Surgeon offering Murrieta Emergency Tooth Extraction

Oral Surgery - Murrieta emergency tooth extraction - dental tooth replacement

Murrieta Prosthodontist is a Murrieta Dentist Surgeon

Simple extractions remove a tooth above the gum line and leave the root. This procedure is used for a tooth damaged or decayed beyond dental repair. Surgical extraction removes the entire tooth and root. Most people are familiar with surgical extractions. We use it to remove wisdom teeth and impacted teeth. This procedure is used when patients do not have enough room in their mouth to fit the extra teeth.

When we do a tooth extraction, we will do everything possible to make it painless. Dr. Bao offers sedation techniques like nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation. These drugs help you remain comfortable and calm for the procedure. Contact our office to schedule an examination so we can help you restore your oral health. Choose a Murrieta Prosthodontist with 20+ years of experience with all the most sophisticated equipment. Our Murrieta Dentist Surgeon will minimize the pain.


Dr. Bao looks for the best option for broken or decay-damaged teeth. He will first try to repair it with a crown, dental bonding, or a filling. As a last resort for teeth too damaged, the tooth will need to be extracted. This prevents the damage from spreading. The procedure is also required to preserve the health of the remaining teeth. The most common reason for an extraction is when a tooth is crowding other teeth. Most of us have our third molars or wisdom teeth removed around the ages of 17 – 21. We do teeth extraction on children when baby teeth are not falling out. This leaves room for permanent teeth trying to come out. People getting braces may also need a tooth extraction, so the rest of their teeth can be aligned. We also offer Murrieta Emergency Tooth Extraction.


Dr. Bao starts the extraction by numbing your tooth, jawbone, and gums. The entire area surrounding the tooth will have a local anesthetic. Only after the area is completely numb, Dr. Bao starts the extraction. During the process, you feel the pressure. This is caused by the doctor rocking the tooth to widen the socket. This helps with removal. The pressure does not cause pain as the entire area is numb. If a patient ever has pain, Dr. Bao has ways to make the patient comfortable.



Sometimes a tooth is so tight that it is impossible to widen the socket. In these cases, the tooth must be sectioning. The doctor cuts the tooth into sections and removes the tooth piece by piece. This is a standard procedure.



Depending on the sedation used for the extraction, we may ask you to have someone drive you home. Each patient’s recovery varies based on the extent of the extraction. Most of our patients eat soft, cold food for the first few days – like ice cream. Dr. Bao will discuss what to expect for your recovery. He will also give you instructions on how to look after your mouth. As your mouth heals, we recommend that you avoid smoking, using straws, and spitting. Your mouth will be swollen after the extraction. Dr. Bao will suggest using an ice pack and pain medication.



Dental Insurance usually covers Oral Surgery, Dental Tooth Replacement, and Emergency Tooth Extraction. Your sedation method might not be fully covered. We will call your insurance company so that we can provide you with an estimate of your out-of-pocket costs.

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